Internet Safety and Kids

March 19, 2010

Internet Safety, Kids, and Social Networking

It didn’t take to long but today Facebook and security experts announced security problem. Facebook users are getting an email indicating that Facebook has had to reset the password for an account. The email contain link to click on and reset the password. The link in the email will take the user to a malicious site. The site is designed to obtain the Facebook login information.

The reason why this is such an internet safety concern for both parents and kids is due to the password being stolen. The majority of internet users don’t use different passwords or user names for banking sites. The criminals are then going around to banking sites entering this information in access accounts.

This is exactly why we are safety advocated for all internet users to use a different user name and password for financial sites. All online banking safety starts with using complex passwords that contain a letter, number, and symbol. The password should also be at a minimum of six characters in length.

Inside Hacking at it’s finest

As many of you know hacking is 80% internal employees stealing information. A former car company employee has be going around and disabling cars. The majority of all cars today have a computer that can be shut down remotely. Onstar is an example of company that can do this. This security and safety feature is designed to stolen car thieves who steal cars. A common person who previously worked for one of these companies can take this technology home with them. A ex-employee from one of these companies has been going around disabling cars.

The FBI reported that cybercrime is growing at alarming rates. It is increasing all over the internet and now costing the American consumer over $500 million a year. The FBI has also announced that they are now monitoring social networking sites. The are watching over Facebook closely looking for terrorism, internet fraud, or other criminal activity. The reason why they are looking at Facebook is due the amount of people on the sites. With over 350 million people on the site now it is now the number one site for criminals to attack. Internet safety and security starts with education you and your kids about how to spot internet dangers.

Parents need to talk to kids

All parents need to talk to their kids about internet safety. Make sure parents review all pictures, postings, and information on the page. Verify that online criminals can’t track or stalk your kids from the information posted online. The most important thing is to verify that they understand that all information posted online is public domain. Anything posted online can be used against them in a criminal case.

New Trojan Stealing Your Bank Account Informatiom and Money

September 30, 2009

A new trojan spreading across the internet is designed to steal your bank account information and money.  This new trojan will infect IE 6, 7, 8, Firefox and Opera running on Windows.  This new trojan obtains your username and password of your bank account and then starts to withdraw money from your accounts.  What makes this trojan so dangerous is that it creates a fake webpage that displays your bank account information as if nothing was missing but in reality your money is being withdrawn. This kind of trojan will start to be common place in the near future as more computer users don’t protect themselves.  Computer security is critical to anybody access the internet and everybody should have spyware software installed.  If you are doing online banking then spyware software is even more critical to computer security.

Trojan Story

Phishing Scam running wild on Twitter

September 24, 2009

A giant phishing scam is currently running wild on Twitter.  The link left on the tweet takes you to a phishing website designed to looks like twitter and asks you for your user-name and password.  If you enter your twitter sign-in information the hackers then can control your Twitter account.  If you get a tweet and the link takes you to site looking similar to Twitter close your web browser.  The fake ulr in the phishing attack is http:\\  Remember that one best ways to spot a phishing website to look at the url and verify it is correct.  Internet safety and security starts with education yourself about the various kind of cyberattacks.  We have a full review on how to spot a phishing email and websites at Phishing/Email Scams.

Internet Safety Center

Providing a safety internet for everybody

Facebook Instability and Third Party Applications

September 22, 2009

Facebook is having some stability issues today.  Facebook stated that today they had login issues, message issues and various other issues with the site.  They are working on the issue an should have it resolved shortly.  If you are using Facebook we recommend not allowing all those what “would you” or “which one would you be” applications to access your wall.  Over the last couple of months some of those  fun applications have actually been trying to get Facebook users personal information which could lead to identity theft.  Facebook has does a very good at removing them from the site but new ones are showing up.

Internet Safety Center

Hackers are now using WiFi to hack into Computers

August 4, 2009

Hackers have found a new way to hacker computers by using you WiFi connection.  The are now able to hack updates going to your computer to gain access to your computer.

Hackers using Wifi

Windows 7 Releasing Oct 22

June 26, 2009

Microsoft has relased that Windows 7 will be released on Oct 22 of this year.  If you buy a computer between now and Oct 22 you will get a free upgrade to Windows 7.   If you don’t want to buy a new computer you can get the Windows 7 Upgrade now for 50% off at Microsoft.

Kids Internet Browser – Kidrocket

June 18, 2009

Parents are concerned about their children browsing the internet.  Kidrocket is a free internet browser that is designed for kids.  It has built in filters and games, puzzles, and email filtering.  We have tested the browser and it has several nice kids friendly features and easy to use.  Parents if are looking for kids friendly internet browser we recommend Kidrocket.

Windows Vista Service Pack 2

June 12, 2009

Microsoft has released service pack 2 for Windows Vista as a critical update this month.  The update will take about 30 minutes to an hour to install.

Internet Safety Center – Windows Update Tuesday

June 9, 2009

This is just a reminder that Microsoft will be releasing patches and updates for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista.  All computer users need to visit Windows Update and download all critical patches.  You will need to reboot your computer after installing the updates. You can learn more about this at our website Internet Safety Center Windows Update.

Internet Safety Center

Internet Safety Center – Windows Vista

June 4, 2009

Microsoft has released the second service pack for Vista.  We recommend waiting a few week before you download it.  Let Microsoft fix the bugs before you download and install it.

Internet Safety Center